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  4. ``ET'' Spielberg's autobiographical science fiction fantasy, what's behind the idea?
``ET'' Spielberg's autobiographical science fiction fantasy, what's behind the idea?

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``ET'' Spielberg's autobiographical science fiction fantasy, what's behind the idea?


The origin of this historic science fiction masterpiece

Spielberg sometimes makes movies like a pendulum. Once I thought I had swung it to my side, I used that reaction again and boom! It can be swayed to the opposite genre. For example, it is famous that ` `Jurassic Park '' (1993) and `` Schindler's List '' (1993) were produced at the same time, and `` Ready Player One '' (18) and ` `Pentagon Papers '' (17) were also produced. A typical one. And this ``ET'' is also a reaction to the entertainment blockbuster `` Raiders of the Lost Ark' ' (1981), and is a work that has swung its sensibilities toward extremely sensitive areas.

The moment of inspiration came to me almost out of the blue. The location is Tunisia, where "Raiders" was filmed. Living an unfamiliar life far away from his hometown, Spielberg was naturally busy with hard work during the day, but at night he felt lonely, with no one to talk to or play with. Meanwhile, the idea of ​​``an Alien who has lost his homeland'' suddenly crosses his mind.


This was linked to various elements from the past. For example, I still have the idea for ``Night Skies,'' a sequel to ``Close Encounters of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind ,'' which I developed with director/screenwriter John Sayles but was scrapped. It is based on thoughts about ``imaginary creatures'' such as ``Imaginary creatures'', and it is also intertwined with images of Alien that appear for only 90 seconds in `` Close Encounters of the Third Kind '', and gradually everything comes together. I guess you could say that they expanded into a round shape.

That's how the story of ``a 10-year-old boy and a lonely Alien, who need each other and gradually begin to connect with each other'' was solidified.


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  4. ``ET'' Spielberg's autobiographical science fiction fantasy, what's behind the idea?