2. movie
  3. The Truman Show
  4. ``The Truman Show'' The Truth is hidden! A world full of schemes
``The Truman Show'' The Truth is hidden! A world full of schemes

(C) 1998 2015 by Paramount Pictures.

``The Truman Show'' The Truth is hidden! A world full of schemes


"The Truman Show" synopsis

Truman is a man who lives an ordinary life. Due to a certain coincidence, he begins to feel uncomfortable with his "normal" life, but he never expected to realize that his very life is being broadcast all over the world as a reality show...


Why is ``The Truman Show'' so American?

The movie ``The Truman Show'' (1998) has been received as an ironic take on the reality show culture that spread worldwide in the 1990s. In Japan, the TV program “Shuku! Denpa Shonen'' (1992~) is a story about the process by which ordinary people (or talents whose popularity is not much different from ordinary people's), who no one knew existed until then, appear on TV every week and become famous through the program. That applies.

A new existence: ``totally ordinary people who are famous only by being famous'' (Slavoj Žižek)*1. ``The Truman Show'' is a film that symbolizes the 1990s, when this phenomenon, which is now commonplace, became widely popular, but is ``reality show culture'' the only clue to understanding this film?

``The Truman Show'' is the story of Truman Burbank (Jim Carrie), a man who lives in a fictional world elaborately created by a television show. Everything about his life, from the moment of his birth, was filmed and broadcast all over the world. Truman himself does not know that this world is a fiction. His house and town are a huge set. The large dome-shaped structure with a roof is comparable in size to the Great Wall of China, and everything from the sun and moon to rain and lightning can be controlled mechanically. For Truman, the huge set built inside this building is his entire world.

Moreover, all the people living on the set, except for Truman, are actors, acting according to the script. Truman lived his life believing this fiction to be reality, but he began to have doubts due to several reasons.


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  4. ``The Truman Show'' The Truth is hidden! A world full of schemes