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  3. The White Crow
  4. Three master-student relationships color The White Crow” directed by Ralph Fiennes
Three master-student relationships color The White Crow” directed by Ralph Fiennes


Three master-student relationships color The White Crow” directed by Ralph Fiennes


*Information at the time of article publication in May 2019.

"The White Crow" synopsis

1961. Rudolf Nureyev left his homeland of the Soviet Union for the first time in his life to perform in Paris as a member of the Kirov Ballet (now Mariinsky Ballet). Although Rudolph is described as arrogant, selfish, and rebellious, his passion for dancing is stronger than anyone else, and he tries to absorb everything he can get in a foreign country, but his actions are monitored by the KGB and the government's pressure is on him. It only got stronger. On June 16th, Rudolph is about to head to his next performance location when he is suddenly ordered to return home. This foreshadowed a future in which she would be taken to a concentration camp and would be unable to continue dancing. After the members depart, Rudolph, who is left at the airport with the KGB, is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, and what is the decision he makes?


A clear depiction of the change of heart leading up to the decision to defect

This is the story of a ballet dancer who makes a life-changing decision. Of course, it would be better to know more about the ballet itself or Rudolf Nureyev, the main character, but even if you are someone like me who has no knowledge of these things, I am so impressed by this work that I decided to write this manuscript now. I'm so moved by it that I guess that's the ``power of the movie'' that goes beyond ballet.

Ralph Fiennes, who is making this his third film as a director, did not initially have an interest in ballet. It all started when I read Julie Kavanagh's biography of Nureyev. At this time, Fiennes became fascinated with the turbulent life of a young man, partly due to his long-standing fascination with Russian art and culture.


However, Fiennes did not directly adapt the biography into a film. First of all, while consulting with screenwriter David Hare (" The Times We Meet " (2002), " The One Who Reads Love " (2008)), we begin with the story of the main character's days in Paris as he counts down to his exile, and the story leading up to that point. I decided to create a composition in which three time axes, childhood and adolescence, compete with each other. By doing so, I tried to vividly capture the image of a young man transcending the frameworks of society and nation and inflating his ego based solely on his desire to ``dance'' and ``express himself.''

“Fiennes-ness” more abundant than ever before

Looking back at Fiennes's directorial works, his first film, `` A Proof of Heroism '' (11), was a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's play, and his second, ` `Ellen Ternan'' (13), was a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's play. ) was a richly emotional depiction of unknown anecdotes about literary giants that everyone knows. All of these topics can be said to be familiar to Fiennes, who is British.

Compared to that, ``White Crow'' is an unknown challenge. After all, the film was filmed in France and Russia, and the film uses three different languages. On top of that, Fiennes will also be responsible for coordinating an internationally diverse staff and cast to aim for the highest level of artistry. There were an order of magnitude more hurdles to overcome.


However, this work, which was completed with extraordinary passion and tenacity, is full of the ``Ralph Fiennes style'', as if he was actually exploring his own inner world while circling the world. It became. This book clearly conveys the way he values ​​art and expression.


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  2. movie
  3. The White Crow
  4. Three master-student relationships color The White Crow” directed by Ralph Fiennes