2. movie
  3. England Is Mine
  4. Why does ``England is Mine'', which depicts a young Stephen Morrissey, resonate with you?
Why does ``England is Mine'', which depicts a young Stephen Morrissey, resonate with you?


Why does ``England is Mine'', which depicts a young Stephen Morrissey, resonate with you?


*Information at the time of article publication in June 2019.

"England is Mine" synopsis

Manchester 1976. Stephen Morrissey, a school dropout, spends his days attending concerts and posting reviews in music newspapers. Although he got a job to help make ends meet, he was unable to fit in at work, and his only solace was to skip work and write poetry. At that time, he met Linder, an art student, and with her support, he formed a band. The first show is a success, and Stephen quits his job to become a musician. However, just as things seemed to be going well, farewells and setbacks awaited him. In 1982, a guitarist comes to visit Stephen, who continues to play music without giving up. It was Johnny Marr, with whom he would later form ``The Smiths.''


A tantalizing young Stephen Morrissey

Morrissey is the frontman of The Smiths , a charismatic band born in Manchester, England, and has continued a long-lasting solo career even after the band disbanded. The coming-of-age film ``England Is Mine, has been released in theaters and is receiving positive reviews. Looking at reviews online, I hear some people raving about it, and others saying it's boring, and I understand both opinions.

After all, the main character of this work, Stephen, is annoying. I rarely make eye contact with my colleagues at work. He wants to support himself through music, but he doesn't move on his own, and only after being slapped on the butt by a female friend does he finally get up. He is eloquent in front of a notebook or typewriter, but stammers in public. Extremely shy. Although she has trouble opening up to others, her desire to be acknowledged is stronger than most. It's no surprise that some people get tired of watching her because of her annoying personality.


On the other hand, the reason why it resonates with and touches many viewers is because they can relate to Stephen and their own memories from their youth. The Smiths' fan base is primarily introverted teens holed up in their bedrooms. Morrissey's lyrics explore themes of loneliness, despair, disconnection, and alienation, which directly apply to Stephen's feelings in this film.

Even if you're not a Smiths fan, anyone who knows the loneliness of introspection will love this movie. In this article, I would like to touch on the essence that makes its charm even more delicious. We hope you will read this together with the interview article with director Mark Gill posted on this site.


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  2. movie
  3. England Is Mine
  4. Why does ``England is Mine'', which depicts a young Stephen Morrissey, resonate with you?