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  3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  4. “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” How was that legendary communication melody born?
“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” How was that legendary communication melody born?

c) 1977, renewed 2005, (c) 1980, 1998 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” How was that legendary communication melody born?


“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” Synopsis

Mysterious power outage accidents occur one after another in Indianapolis. Roy is sent to investigate and witnesses something unbelievable. However, no one believes his amazing story and the investigation is thwarted by political pressure. However, as if guided by something, Roy began searching for The Truth. And where did he end up?


How Spielberg became interested in space

The plot of ``the unknown approaching'' is a familiar one in Spielberg's early works. In `` Jaws ,'' this charm reached its peak as early as the first time, but what is even more noteworthy is the move immediately after that. Although he continues the same theme of ``the unknown approaching'', he does not appeal to fear or thrill as before, but instead invokes compassion and warmth that embraces all living beings. I'll show you. The result was ``Close Encounters of the Third Kind,'' which is often considered the most important work in his filmography.

In an interview, he talked about how he became interested in space. That was when I was 5 or 6 years old. Spielberg is said to have been woken up by his father in the middle of the night, saying, ``Let's go out now! I'm going to show you something cool!'' and then taken out in a car without asking. After driving for a while, we finally arrived at a vast field. Many people had already gathered, and when I followed their lead and lay down and looked up at the sky, I saw a beautiful meteor shower twinkling endlessly. Spielberg was simply mesmerized by the spectacular view. And, not satisfied with just savoring this excitement, he begins to yearn to ``someday create a story about the universe.''

More than 25 years have passed The Day After, and just as he was about to turn 30, that wish was fulfilled in an ``Close Encounters of the Third Kind.'' Needless to say, innovative creativity is essential for science fiction films, even if it's just to embody a simple idea. The work involved is enormous. In that sense, every moment of this film is an "invention," and every time I watch it again, I am reminded of the amount of heart and soul that Spielberg and his staff poured into every corner of the film.

“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” Director Steven Spielberg Comments

Above all, John Williams' music plays an important role in this work. Those legendary "five sounds" still make our hearts fly about 10 centimeters above the ground when we hear them. It would be no exaggeration to say that this melody is one that will go down in movie history.


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  3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  4. “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” How was that legendary communication melody born?