2. movie
  3. The Game
  4. The important meaning that the “The Game” director’s previous work was “Seven” *Spoiler alert
The important meaning that the “The Game” director’s previous work was “Seven” *Spoiler alert

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The important meaning that the “The Game” director’s previous work was “Seven” *Spoiler alert


metafictional pleasure

Should a movie be talked about on its own, or should it be enjoyed connecting with other works based on the director's style and theme? There's no fixed answer, and both are ways to enjoy movies. However, the charm of `` Seven '' does not fit into either category. What ``The Game'' offers is a metafictional pleasure in which those of us who live in the real world where the movie ``Seven'' exists are fooled by the director's tricks.

One more thing I would like to add is that ``The Game'' are not the kind of works where the value is lost even if you understand the plot. By watching the movie a second or third time, you will be able to see the tear-jerking efforts of The Game company CRS in the movie and the excessive service spirit of wanting to surprise and please their customers by any means necessary.

CRS is a company with a philosophy that is similar to the expression "movie": to provide someone with a life-changing experience through a fictional story. If I may be exaggerated, the strange company called CRS is also a portrait of the complicit relationship between movie makers and audiences. Many people would laugh if I said that ``The Game'' can also be philosophical works that make us think about the commonplace act of enjoying fiction. I don't mind if you laugh at this, but I'm quite serious.

Text: Akira Murayama

Born in 1971. Writes articles for magazines, newspapers, movie sites, etc. Representative of “ShortCuts,” a review site for distribution-based works.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Game
  4. The important meaning that the “The Game” director’s previous work was “Seven” *Spoiler alert