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  3. Always
  4. “Always” Spielberg’s long-awaited fantasy was completed after many years of planning.
“Always” Spielberg’s long-awaited fantasy was completed after many years of planning.

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“Always” Spielberg’s long-awaited fantasy was completed after many years of planning.


Synopsis of "Always"

Pete, who was working as a firefighter fighting wildfires in Colorado, was killed in the line of duty while trying to save his colleague Al one day while extinguishing a wildfire. However, he is sent back to this world by an angel named Hap from heaven, and ends up giving advice as a guardian spirit to Ted, a student at a pilot training school...


A masterpiece of love that is fleeting but full of hope.

Countries with vast forests, such as the United States, Australia, and Russia, have reported a large number of damages caused by forest fires in recent years. In particular, forest fires occur almost every year in the U.S. state of California from spring to late fall, and the California Complex Fire in the summer of 2020 caused the worst damage in the state's history.

In these countries, aerial firefighting using aircraft has been practiced for a long time. In Japan, it is common to use helicopters with buckets to spray water from the air, but in the United States, it is surprising to learn that aerial firefighting is carried out using aircraft converted from military aircraft or even passenger planes. In Spielberg's long-awaited fantasy film, "Always" (1989), a bittersweet love story is depicted from the perspective of a pilot of such an aerial firefighting unit.

"Always" trailer

As soon as the aircraft takes off from the airfield and arrives at the scene of the fire, a special extinguishing agent mixed with red dye is sprayed from the aircraft, but because the aircraft is at a high altitude, it does not hit the burning part. That's why we keep the altitude as low as the tree level and spray extinguishing agents at the perfect time. Pete (Richard Dreyfuss) is constantly risking his life because one wrong move could result in him hitting a tree or mountain. His job involves death and death, so his girlfriend Dorinda (Holly Hunter) is constantly worried about what should happen. I am constantly terrified that I will die someday.

And then her lover dies... Dorinda's premonition turns out to be correct. He disappears into thin air, never to return. "Always" may be just an illusion, a wish, because we all die someday. But for Always, the kind-hearted creator of fantasy, dead people seem to live on Always in the hearts of those who love them.

His works, including " ET " (1982) and " The Color Purple " (1985), are always comforting masterpieces. The master Spielberg always delivers the best movie experience. No matter how tragic the story, there is almost always a comforting ending at the end. It is the conscience of Spielberg's work that always provides the best ending full of kindness and hope.


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  2. movie
  3. Always
  4. “Always” Spielberg’s long-awaited fantasy was completed after many years of planning.