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  4. ``Zodiac'' Fincher's most ``quiet'' work in history shows his beliefs
``Zodiac'' Fincher's most ``quiet'' work in history shows his beliefs

(c)2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

``Zodiac'' Fincher's most ``quiet'' work in history shows his beliefs


``Newness'' arrived at after Soderbergh's advice

Let's return to the content of the work. Fincher's signature stylish opening credits are also muted in Zodiac. The trembling design of the word "Seven", which later made the name of leading title designer Kyle Cooper, who worked on " Mission: Impossible " (1996) and the " Spider -Man" series (2002-2008), was also created by Dust.・Even a glimpse of the images that picked up the neuron of `` Fight Club ,'' where the aggressive sound of the Brothers is clear, cannot be felt in ``Zodiac.'' The title of this work appears and disappears so subtly that you won't notice it unless you pay close attention.

Regarding the direction of the film, director Steven Soderbergh, who has worked on everything from social works such as ` `Erin Brockovich '' (2000) and `` Traffic '' (2000) to entertainment works such as the `` Ocean's Eleven '' series (2001-18), He was seeking advice. It is certain that director Fincher was looking for something ``new'' that was different from his previous tastes.

“Zodiac” (c)2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In fact, director Fincher was supposed to participate in the film adaptation of the bizarre murder case ``The Black Dahlia Incident,'' which occurred in 1947. However, due to various circumstances, the project was abandoned, and the film was made into a film called `` The Black Dahlia '' (2006), directed by Brian De Palma.

Director Fincher tends to have high production costs due to his emphasis on quality. In addition to ``The Black Dahlia'', a live-action adaptation of ``20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'' has recently been canceled in the planning stage. For a director as popular as he is, it is common for projects to go awry, but in ``Zodiac,'' he may have been trying to make up for the regrets he had with ``Black Dahlia.''

"Black Dahlia" trailer

In a cinematic context, the 1990s saw extremely successful psychological thrillers about murderers, such as ``The Silence The Silence of the Lambs '' (1991), `` Seven '' (1997), and `` The Bone Collector '' (1999). I got it. After that, the series moved on to `` American Psycho '' (2000) and the remake version `` Insomnia '' (2002), and the content depicted became more complex. Previously, there was a strong element of ``confrontation'' with the killer, but gradually the story shifts to delving into their inner lives. Eight months after this film, `` No Country for Old Men '' (2007) was released, and now there are many works that feature a murderer as the main character, such as `` The House That Jack Built '' (18).

Among them, ``Zodiac'' can be said to be a murderer movie unique to the transitional period, as it retains the flavor of the ``confrontation'' of the 90s, but also contains elements that approach the ``inner life'' of the 2000s.


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  4. ``Zodiac'' Fincher's most ``quiet'' work in history shows his beliefs