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  3. La La Land
  4. "La La Land" Sweet love, bitter reality, choices and choices - the ephemeral "Wanderings of a Dream Chaser"
"La La Land" Sweet love, bitter reality, choices and choices - the ephemeral "Wanderings of a Dream Chaser"

(c) 2017 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

"La La Land" Sweet love, bitter reality, choices and choices - the ephemeral "Wanderings of a Dream Chaser"


"La La Land" synopsis

Los Angeles is a city where people who want to make their dreams come true come together. Mia, who works at a movie studio cafe, aspires to become an actress, but no matter how many times she auditions, she keeps failing. One day, Mia is fascinated by a pianist's performance at a shop in the middle of nowhere. His name is Seb (Sebastian), and he hopes to one day open his own shop and play his favorite jazz music to his heart's content. Eventually, the two fall in love and support each other's dreams. However, when the band that Seb joined to raise funds for the store becomes successful, their hearts begin to drift apart...


After many years of waiting, the plan came true.

A budding actress and a frustrated musician meet in the capital of entertainment.

The love nurtured by dream chasers is bittersweet and melts into reality.

``La La Land'' (16) has already been over four years since its release in Japan in February 2017. It is an epoch-making masterpiece that has established an unshakable position as a representative of the new generation's fashionable and musical films. Despite the estimated production cost of $30 million, the film grossed more than $446 million worldwide, approximately 15 times as much. It was also a box office hit in Japan, grossing over 4.4 billion yen.

Not only her achievements, but also her award history is truly spectacular. It has received approximately 300 nominations and nearly 250 awards at film awards around the world. At the 89th Academy Awards, the film won six awards, including Best Director and Best Actress. The number of nominations, 14 in 13 categories, is the highest in history, matching `` All About Eve '' (50) and ` `Titanic '' (1997). At the award ceremony, the biggest incident of the century occurred when the award for Best Picture was incorrectly announced with Moonlight (16).

"La La Land" preview

It has received strong support not only from audiences but also from people in the industry, with Tom Hanks praising the film highly during a press conference for his starring role, `` Miracle on the Hudson '' (2016). He praised the production team for taking on the high-risk challenge of creating a musical that did not use existing songs, even though it was difficult to come up with original plans, saying, "It's truly new, beyond anything you can imagine."

As Hanks pointed out, this film took a long time to plan and develop, with director Damien Chazelle finishing the script in 2010. It predates his breakthrough work `` Session '' (14).

It was a long-awaited project for director Chazelle, who himself was an aspiring musician, but almost no studios were willing to invest, and although he finally managed to make the project a reality, there were changes such as ``the main character's occupation from being a jazz pianist to a rock singer,'' and ``the last change.'' ” Many changes were requested, and the project was put on hold. After that, director Chazelle attracted attention due to the success of ``Session,'' and a new studio came forward, and production began in a satisfactory manner.

By the way, I would like you to take this opportunity to remember the name of " Black Label Media, " one of the production companies that invested in this work. In addition to this work, he has been involved in many works such as `` The Begin Again '' (14), ``We Can't Meet on Rainy Days, I Think of You on Sunny Days '' (15), and the `` Sicario '' series (15-18). It can be said that he is a connoisseur.

There were many twists and turns in the casting of the main characters, actress Mia and jazz pianist Seb. Initially, Emma Watson from the ` `Harry Potter '' series and Miles Teller from ``The Sessions'' were chosen, but Watson She left the show to appear in "The Beauty and the Beast " (17). It is said that Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling have been chosen.

“La La Land” (c) 2017 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

There is an interesting anecdote here, as Gosling, contrary to Watson, turned down the offer to star in Beauty and the Beast and the Beast and appeared in the film. Stone received an offer from director Chazelle, who had seen the play when it first appeared on Broadway in 2014, and was impressed with his enthusiasm and readily accepted the role.

Director Chazelle said that he felt they had good chemistry after meeting with the two, and that's no wonder; Gosling and Stone have co-starred in " Love Again " (2011) and " LA Gang Story " (2013), and they are working together on the book. This will be their third collaboration.

As a side note, the "exchange" between Watson and Stone and the two Emmas also happened in " Story of My Life " (1919), and Stone was originally supposed to appear in " Her Majesty's Favorite". (18) was abandoned due to scheduling conflicts. Watson appeared in the film, which received high praise. For some reason, I'm afraid that both are related to Oscar-winning films.


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  2. movie
  3. La La Land
  4. "La La Land" Sweet love, bitter reality, choices and choices - the ephemeral "Wanderings of a Dream Chaser"