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  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?
What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?

Wilson Webb/Annapurna Pictures

What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?


``From the time I was 6 years old until I became an adult. ” Re-challenge

Daughter Bea investigates why her mother retired while watching past programs featuring Bernadette's accomplishments as an architect. In the process, we came to know the scale of the work she was devoting to, the novelty and sharpness of her ideas, and how vibrantly she was active in new fields. Incidentally, the structure of the film, in which multiple people testify to a mystery in pursuit of a mystery, is reminiscent of `` Waking Life '' (2001).

Coincidentally, a Finnish documentary film that will be released in Japan soon is `` Aalto '' (released on October 13, 2023), which follows the footsteps of architect Alba Aalto's life. Among them, his wife Aino Aalto, also an architect, is mentioned as a major factor. Bernadette's position in this work is reminiscent of that of Aino, who had an extraordinary talent but gradually fell behind in the shadow of her husband's success. In that sense, it can be said that this work has a strong sense of reality.

Director Linklater, in his comments for this film, introduces the words, ``The most dangerous person in the world is an artist without a job,'' and it seems like a wealth of ideas are flowing from his brain. What would happen if a genius person, who keeps coming out one after another, suddenly stops producing appropriate output? It is not uncommon for people to become depressed or to start acting out of control because they are unable to fit in with the community or society. Her husband Elsie, who was a contributing factor to Bernadette's situation, may have been ``irresponsibly'' concerned about her changes.

“Where'd You Go, Bernadette” Wilson Webb / Annapurna Pictures

This reminds me of ` `From when I was 6 years old until I became an adult. '' ” (14). At the end of the story, which depicts one person's life from childhood to entering university, the young protagonist is confused by his mother's secrets revealed to him. She felt uneasy about the fact that by being so busy raising children and working at home, the time when she was young, when she could have fearlessly jumped into what she wanted to do, had passed by. Director Linklater himself explains that he envisioned this part of the character as his own mother.

`` From the time I was 6 years old until I became an adult. ' ends with such a bad aftertaste because no solution can be found to the regrets of one woman and the guilt that the main character is burdened with. However, this time, Linklater has had the opportunity to explore this theme once again.

The setting of this work then moves to Antarctica. Thanks to Cate Blanchett's enthusiasm for filming on location rather than compositing, the images of the icebergs and sea in Greenland are extremely beautiful. The scene where Bernadette's "soul" comes back to life after she has lost her way can be described as Blanchett's outstanding performance. At the same time, this film is significant in the sense that Linklater takes a theme he has left behind in the past and elevates it in a positive direction.


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  2. movie
  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?