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  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?
What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?

Wilson Webb/Annapurna Pictures

What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?


Linklater continued to challenge the “problem of time”

If I were to find a common feature in the various works that Linklater has made, it would be that they all take time as an issue. We perceive life in terms of time, and movies are an art that controls time. And it is also possible to create ``sacred moments'' within time.

Just as we can strengthen our "sacred moments" by being conscious of them as "sacred moments," we can intentionally find special moments in our daily lives so that we don't waste time in our lives. , you should be able to increase your special time. In other words, as long as we can live and perceive things, everyone has the potential to make their lives brighter and more fulfilling according to their will.

“Where'd You Go, Bernadette” Wilson Webb / Annapurna Pictures

At the beginning of the film, the idea of ​​the value of life is talked about along with the scenery of Antarctica. Buying a car, a house, or a diamond ring can make you feel excited for a while. However, over time, that special awareness becomes buried in the mundane everyday life, and we no longer notice the brilliance of the diamond. In this way, we lose sight of the value of life, which is supposed to be irreplaceable.

It can be said that ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette'' is a work that finds a positive answer to this problem of time. In that sense, this film can be thought of as the culmination of director Richard Linklater's work, or perhaps a work that marks a turning point.

Text: Kei Onodera

A film critic who wanders around and writes for web media and magazines, aiming to become a movie hermit. We will convey the "deep" content of the movie in an easy-to-understand manner from various angles.

Twitter: @kmovie

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"Where'd You Go, Bernadette"

Friday, September 22nd: Shinjuku Piccadilly and other theaters nationwide

Provided by: Vap, Long Ride Distribution: Long Ride

© 2019 ANNAPURNA PICTURES, LLC. All rights reserved.

Wilson Webb/Annapurna Pictures


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  2. movie
  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?