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  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?
What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?

Wilson Webb/Annapurna Pictures

What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?


“Time After Time” brings a “sacred moment”

Cases in which women take a temporary break from work and then give up on returning to their careers after giving birth are a trend that can still be seen in various countries and fields. It would be a lie if I said that there was no influence from outdated social environments and conventions. Considering that the rebirth of Bernadette's soul comes from the help of the women in the play, this work is a "sisterhood" work in which women come together in solidarity, and it is a work that cheers up women in an unfair society. It can be said that. In such solidarity, it is moving to see how actions that contribute to making society better lead to one's own hopes.

The person who trusted Bernadette the most and remained by her side from beginning to end was her "best friend", her daughter Bea. The scene where the two sing Cyndi Lauper's " Time After Time " while riding in a car is one of the most memorable moments in the film.

“Where'd You Go, Bernadette” Wilson Webb / Annapurna Pictures

In `` Waking Life ,'' there are passages that refer to ``The Holy Moments'' in movies and in life. What is said here is that there are moments that are irreplaceable in one's life, and that there can also be a consciousness that recognizes those moments as ``irreplaceable moments''. And people can become even more aware of this fact themselves. In this way, consciousness is accumulated in layers.

With this in mind, films such as ` `Before Sunrise' ' (1995) and ` `Before Sunset '' (2004) depict such special moments in life and how they can be made special. It was a ``layered'' piece of work filled with feelings of love. And what symbolized this even further was the scene in the play where a woman played by Julie Delpy hums a song playing from a CD player and dances playfully. It could be said that it was a scene.

` `Time After Time,'' which has lyrics that allude to the content of the film ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette,'' is also considered a ``sacred moment'' that symbolizes the entire movie. Bernadette bursts into tears as she sings Cyndi Lauper songs in the car with her daughter, who may be leaving home to go to boarding school, as she thinks this may be her last time. In fact, even though you may think you will have many opportunities like this in your life, they are actually very rare. And Bernadette's awareness that this is a special moment makes it even more special.


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  2. movie
  3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
  4. What is one answer that can be found in Richard Linklater's culmination of ``Where'd You Go, Bernadette''?